Relieving Back Pain
By improving posture, without having to be committed to daily exercising is attainable most of the time. Many times, back pain relief can be acheived long term or completely eliminated by realigning the body. Finding a therapist that has the training and abilities to accomplish this, can be a good start. Recent research made public on back pain treatment listed massage therapy as one of the most important effective options. It was also obvious in the description, that very precise therapeutic protocols be used. Some therapists have the tools and are in line with the level of therapeutic work on which the study was based. Even good deep tissue work on the tissue directly attached to the spine, can only have limited results.
Without bringing the pelvis into balance to support the spine with long term improvements and treating not only the muscle bodies, but the facia, most gains are temporary. Facia is what governs the shape and length of the muscles. Adhesions lock and limit the bones from moving out of the imbalance and compress nerves.
A protocol that includes the release of fluids, toxins and inflammation, the release of the ineffective myofascial holding patterns that support the structural collapse, and then release of scar tissue and adhesions that compress nerves and prevent balancing of the rest of the structure, makes a therapist able to provide a level of treatment that results in significant back pain relief in the first session.